Mary Russell (fictional)

Mary Judith Russell
First appearance The Beekeeper's Apprentice
Last appearance The Pirate King
Created by Laurie R. King
Gender Female
Occupation detective, theologian
Title Miss Russell
Family Granddaughter(by marriage to Holmes) Estelle Adler; stepson Damien Adler.
Spouse(s) Sherlock Holmes

Parents and younger brother, deceased; an anonymous aunt; others simply referred to as "relatives".

Father: Charles Russell

Mother: Judith Russell
Nationality English

Mary Russell is a fictional character in a mystery series by Laurie R. King.

Seventeen years in the making, King's novels are portrayals of a succession of memoirs written and compiled apparently by an aged Mary Russell. A note from the editor (signed by Laurie R. King) tells readers of a mysterious occurrence wherein a collection of written accounts was anonymously delivered to the unsuspecting novelist; the note ends with a plea for information from anyone with information on the identity of Mary Russell.

The stories are set between 1915 and 1925, mainly in England but extending to Scotland, Wales, Palestine, northern India and California. They begin with fifteen year-old Mary Russell (she was born on 2 January 1900), who runs into a middle-aged individual she realizes is, in fact, Sherlock Holmes - the former consulting detective of Baker Street, now retired to Sussex, where he keeps bees. However, in the form of Mary Russell's memoirs, Sherlock Holmes stays in the stories mostly through the influence he has in Russell's life. Laurie R. King strives to clarify this, and is quoted on her website, "I did not write Sherlock Holmes stories, I wrote Mary Russell stories".[1] Holmes plays a considerable role at first as Russell's closest friend, her calculating and idiosyncratic mentor, and as time and circumstance conspire, the Great Detective takes up the role of companion detective. During that time, Russell and Holmes come to have a great respect for one another. Seven years from their first meeting, the two negotiate a marriage agreement, and are married in 1921.

Nine of the novels are first-person with Locked Rooms, The Language of Bees and God of the Hive being exceptions, since several long passages are third-person. This technique also serves to underscore and solidify themes in the first two of these novels. The newest novel, God of the Hive published 2010, is probably primarily first-person as well, however in this newest installment to the series, Mary's narrative collaborates with the various third-person narratives of several characters, and in this way, God of the Hive manages to cover much wider ground than its companion novels.



  1. The Beekeeper's Apprentice opens in early April 1915, about eight months after the opening of the First World War, when young Mary Russell actually stumbles across retired detective Sherlock Holmes on the Sussex Downs. Russell impresses Holmes with her powers of deduction, and he begins to informally train her as his protégé. She takes on increasing responsibilities. The training becomes vitally important when Russell is caught up in an old enemy's vendetta against Holmes. The volume closes in August 1919.
  2. A Monstrous Regiment of Women takes place from Christmas 1920 to February 1921. Russell becomes involved in a Christian feminist movement concerned with philanthropy and political activism. When three wealthy followers are found to have died under mysterious circumstances after willing their fortunes to the cause, Russell and Holmes are drawn into a deeper mystery. A sub-plot deals with the deepening relationship between Russell and Holmes. The title is a reference to the 16th century pamphlet The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regimen of Women.
  3. A Letter of Mary is set two years after the events of Monstrous Regiment and the Holmes-Russell marriage. It begins in August 1923 and concluded just a month later. A first-century manuscript surfaces that would turn Christianity on its ear, and its discoverer, a friend of Russell and Holmes, turns up dead. While they investigate the death, they must also evade those who are looking for the manuscript. The fictional Lord Peter Wimsey makes a brief cameo appearance.
  4. The Moor closely follows its predecessor, from end September or early October 1923 until early November 1923. It takes the partnership out to Dartmoor, the location of the original Conan Doyle mystery, The Hound of the Baskervilles. Another hound is stalking the night, and they must discover how and why. Russell meets Holmes' old acquaintance, the real-life Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould, the squire of Lew Trenchard, when he asks their help in ridding the Moor of the ghostly hound.
  5. O Jerusalem returns to the close of 1918 and recounts in greater detail the couple's six-week sojourn to Palestine which was glossed over in The Beekeeper's Apprentice. Working with two of Mycroft's agents, Mahmoud and Ali Hazr, the partners seek out spies in post-WWI Palestine.
  6. Justice Hall takes up immediately following the conclusion of The Moor, and covers events to Christmas 1923. Two friends reappear in England, their former lives now revealed. They are brought back to the life they left behind by a sudden succession to a dukedom. Russell and Holmes help search for one of the Duke's nephews, so he can pass on the coronet and return to his preferred life abroad. While there, the pair dig into the past to discover the truth behind the Duke's other nephew's mysterious wartime death.
  7. The Game In the early days of 1924, Russell and Holmes are given an urgent task by his brother Mycroft: to find a British spy gone missing along India's northwest frontier, where men are dying and trouble is brewing. The spy is one whom Holmes knows from his travels in India long ago, under the name Sigurson - Kimball O'Hara, known to the world by the name Rudyard Kipling called him, Kim.
  8. Locked Rooms Setting sail from their adventures in India during the spring of 1924, Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes first visit Japan and then turn their faces toward San Francisco. The time has come to close up the house and business interests she inherited on the death of her family, ten years before. But disturbing dreams and painful memories make the visit more difficult than she expected, and Holmes suspects that there are dark secrets in his wife's past that even she is not aware of. A young Dashiell Hammett makes an extended cameo appearance.
  9. The Language of Bees Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes return home to the Sussex coast in August 1924 and find an entire colony of Holmes' bees has disappeared, but soon have a bigger mystery to solve. They are enlisted to find the missing wife and child of Damian Adler, whom they crossed paths with earlier when he was accused of murder. As their investigation brings the couple into contact with many different types of madness, Russell begins to believe that Holmes may be protecting the killer they are after.
  10. The God of the Hive The adventure picks up directly from the previous book's cliff-hanger ending, as Russell, Holmes, and their companions have been forced to split up in an attempt to make their way back to London, and safety. However, the world has become a dangerous and uncertain place in their absence, with deadly conspiracy so deeply entrenched in the highest echelons of government that even Mycroft is prevented from rendering assistance. New foes threaten the company at all sides, yet in the process a modern-day Robin Goodfellow emerges to lend aid to Mary and her kin.


Early life

The daughter of a British Jewish mother and an American millionaire father, Russell spent time in Dallas and San Francisco as well as England while growing up. Her mother raised her in the Jewish tradition and she continues to consider herself a Jew as an adult. When she is fourteen, Russell's parents and younger brother are killed in an automobile accident outside San Francisco in which she herself is seriously injured. Russell blames herself for the accident and undergoes psychoanalysis during her recovery, continuing to have nightmares for years afterward. After she recovers, Russell returns to her mother's farm in Sussex under the guardianship of her much-hated and penurious maternal aunt, who intends to live well off Russell's fortune until Mary reaches her majority. It is here where, as well as meeting Holmes, Russell prepares for and eventually passes the entrance exams to Oxford University, where she reads chemistry and theology.


In addition to Holmes, who acts a mentor and father substitute early in their relationship and eventually becomes her husband, Russell becomes close to other characters from the Holmes canon: she considers Mrs. Hudson, who has accompanied Holmes to Sussex as his housekeeper, to be a mother figure, and she refers to Dr. Watson as "Uncle John" and Mycroft Holmes as "Brother Mycroft." She is also close to her farm manager Patrick and tends to make friends easily when she wants to.

Russell also encounters a number of historical figures and fictional characters (who are treated as "real" within the novels) over the course of her adventures. In addition to meetings with Rudyard Kipling's Kim, Dashiell Hammett, and Sabine Baring-Gould as described above, she has met T. E. Lawrence, J. R. R. Tolkien and Edmund Allenby. She and Holmes are also implied to be friends with fellow fictional detective Peter Wimsey, who makes a cameo appearance in A Letter of Mary.

Appearance and attributes

Russell is tall and slim, with strawberry-blonde hair and blue eyes. She usually wears her hair in plaits until she is forced to cut it short as part of a disguise in The Game. She wears glasses due to poor eyesight and often wears men's clothing when not required to dress otherwise for society or a case.

An ardent feminist and a respected scholar in her chosen field of theology, Russell has a variety of unlikely talents that have come in handy during cases. She has extremely accurate aim with firearms, thrown knives, and even rocks. She can also play the tin whistle, juggle, do sleight-of-hand, and pick locks. Most usefully, she speaks a large number of languages, including Ancient Greek and Latin (learned for her theology degree), Hebrew, French, German, Arabic, and Hindi.


Laurie R. King has described Russell as "what Sherlock Holmes would look like if Holmes, the Victorian detective, were a) a woman, b) of the Twentieth century, and c) interested in theology".[2] King has a graduate degree in Old Testament theology that has doubtless informed Russell's own theological pursuits.

See also


  1. ^ "LRK on Sherlock Holmes" accessed 30 July 2010.
  2. ^ "LRK on Mary Russell" accessed 18 June 2008.

External links